Clinic Tour
Slideshow: Virtual Tour

SAHC Front Door
Sexton Animal Health Center front entrance

Building Front

Front View

Reception Area

Reception Area 2

Exam Room
Our spacious exam rooms allow a quiet environment for you and your pet while you wait to see Dr. Sexton.

Our ICU area allows close monitor of all of our recovery and intensive care patients.

Surgery Suite
Our Surgery Suite has a heated and lift table to better accomidate our patients and and ECG monitor to monitor vital signs during surgery.

Treatment Area
Our spacious treatment area allows our staff to have easy access to all the vital equipment needed to diagnose and treat our patients.

Treatment Area
Our newly renovated treatment area allows us to better serve our patients by keeping all of our important diagnostic equipment close at hand.
Boarding Run
The large runs measure 3' x 5' and the extra-large runs measure 7' x 5'.
Our newly updated boarding facility offers quality boarding with your pet's medical only a few short steps away! We offer 12 large indoor runs, 2 extra-large (double sized) indoor runs, and 26 indoor kennels. Twice daily your dog is taken outside for a walk while their room is cleaned and disinfected. Our feline friends are also welcome and we have 26 indoor kennels to accomidate them. Unfortunately, due to their escape artist nature, our boarding cats are not allowed free roam outside their kennels. Litter, food, and water is replenished on a daily basis.
